Monday, May 2, 2011

Just Around the River Bend

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.” –Proverbs 3:5-6

So many times I find in my life that I read verses that I have known since I was a child. And, that is all I am doing… reading. I am not listening to what God really has to say to me through His word. Well, these verses are no different. I read them or hear them and my reaction is I could tell them to you in my sleep. No really, I am known for reciting things stored in my mind during my sleep. Yes, I am a NERD.

Trusting in God is something that doesn’t come natural. It is hard to trust in something that we cannot see or touch. We like to believe in the visible and provable. Sometimes, what God’s will is for our life isn’t the easiest road. Actually, I will go to say it is rarely the easy road. As humans, we want to take the easy path. (Well, unless you are Pocahontas and are content with your dreams all residing just around the river bend.)

I feel as if I am being tested and tried. It would be so much easier for me to just do everything my way, the way that makes the most logical sense to me. However, I yearn to have God direct and guide me in every area of my life. I want to take the path that He has set out for me. I know that my path will not be a nice sidewalk in a quaint town; it will be more like a game of Frogger. (Hopefully my ultimate outcome will be better than my skills at Frogger though.) But, I find amazing peace in knowing that my Creator and Lord will be with me through my entire journey.

So, Pocahontas, let’s flee in our canoe from the steady beating drums and find out what is in store just beyond the waterfalls.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Swimming in the Middle of the Ocean

Let the countdown begin!!! I have two weeks left of classes. I am ready to be done with school. I am just ready to jump into the next stage of my life. But, I feel like it is a long time from now. I have so much school work to complete in the next few days. It is almost as if I am flailing around in the middle of the ocean and struggling to stay afloat.

This upcoming weekend in Kick-Off Weekend! Pretty much it is a weekend of intense training on support raising for my internship. I am very excited to be trained in this area. At this point, I have been trying not to worry about all of the unknowns. I can’t say that I haven’t worried or that my times of not worrying were by my own power. God has really been showing me how much I MUST rely on Him for all of my needs. I am ready to see what this weekend will hold. I am ready to hit the ground running on support raising. Please pray for me in that as well. It is going be a trying and joyous time.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Let the Journey Begin

The apartment I currently live in has a bus that brings me right to campus. However, every Tuesday and Thursday I drive to the commuter lot. Why, you might ask. Well, there is a little red car that caught my eye one day. This car really is nothing special. It looks like a late 90s model of just a basic sedan. To be honest, I don’t even know the make and model. But, there is something about this car that caught my attention. It has North Dakota plates. I drive to campus and see this car two days a week parked in about the same place. I go out of my way hoping to one day meet the driver of this car. At times, I feel somewhat stalkerish towards the owner of this red sedan. But, I am realizing that I just want to have a good conversation with the owner about his/her home state. I have a mental image of what this person is like. It is probably all wrong.

Anyways, enough about my obsession with a car owner. I am very excited about changes that are happening in my life. I was recently accepted to intern with Campus Crusade for Christ at the University of North Dakota!!! That’s right, I am going to be moving to Grand Forks, North Dakota at the end of the summer. I can’t think of a time in life that I have ever been more excited and terrified. I am ready to start this next step of my life and see where God takes me and uses me. However, there is a lot to be done between now and then.

Please pray that I can focus on where God has me now. I still have a month of classes left at ECU. Pray that my fears will be calmed. There is a lot of things that have to happen before I can move (finding housing, support raising, ect.). It is so easy for me to fret about all of this. But, God is very much in control. Yes, I am so excited about this new page and I want to thank you for joining me on this most epic journey.

"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have falled for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand. I will not be shaken." -Psalms 16:5-8